Location: The Physics of Physiology - Example 1: An electrical circuit @ 210ec6f9845f / FAIRDO BG example 3.1.cellml

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2024-01-10 23:01:52+13:00
preliminary documentation in reStructuredText. Initial testing to try and remember the capabilities of PMR's rst rendering.
Permanent Source URI:
https://models.fieldml.org/workspace/aed/rawfile/210ec6f9845f545fdd421b7a120070f2fa698cc3/FAIRDO BG example 3.1.cellml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<model name="BG1" xmlns="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.1#" xmlns:cellml="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.1#">
    <!-- Bond graph model of electrical circuit -->
    <units name="J_per_C">
        <unit units="joule"/>
        <unit exponent="-1" units="coulomb"/>
    <units name="C_per_s">
        <unit units="coulomb"/>
        <unit exponent="-1" units="second"/>
    <units name="C_per_s2">
        <unit units="coulomb"/>
        <unit exponent="-2" units="second"/>
    <units name="C2_per_J">
        <unit exponent="2" units="coulomb"/>
        <unit exponent="-1" units="joule"/>
    <units name="Js_per_C2">
        <unit units="joule"/>
        <unit units="second"/>
        <unit exponent="-2" units="coulomb"/>
    <units name="Js2_per_C2">
        <unit units="joule"/>
        <unit exponent="2" units="second"/>
        <unit exponent="-2" units="coulomb"/>
    <component name="main">
        <variable initial_value="0" name="t" units="second"/>
        <!-- State variables-->
        <variable initial_value="1" name="q_C" units="coulomb"/>
        <!-- charge on capacitor-->
        <variable name="v_C" units="C_per_s"/>
        <!-- current through capacitor-->
        <variable name="v_R" units="C_per_s"/>
        <!-- current through resistor-->
        <variable initial_value="0" name="v_L" units="C_per_s"/>
        <!-- current through inductor-->
        <variable name="a_L" units="C_per_s2"/>
        <!-- rate of change of current through inductor-->
        <variable name="u_C" units="J_per_C"/>
        <!-- potential on capacitor-->
        <variable name="u_R" units="J_per_C"/>
        <!-- potential across resistor-->
        <variable name="u_L" units="J_per_C"/>
        <!-- potential across inductor-->
        <!-- Constitutive parameters-->
        <variable initial_value="20" name="C" units="C2_per_J"/>
        <!-- capacitance-->
        <variable initial_value="2" name="R" units="Js_per_C2"/>
        <!-- resistance-->
        <variable initial_value="10" name="L" units="Js2_per_C2"/>
        <!-- inductance-->
        <!-- Conservation laws-->
        <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
            <!-- eqn 3.1.5-->
            <!-- eqn 3.1.7-->
            <!-- eqn 3.1.1-->
            <!-- eqn 3.1.2-->
            <!-- eqn 3.1.3-->
            <!-- Constitutive relations-->
            <!-- eqn 3.1.4-->
            <!-- eqn 3.1.8-->
        <!-- eqn 3.1.6-->